Sunday, November 11, 2012

Wreck It Ralph nails

I am a big fan of animated films, and the latest that I have seen is Wreck It Ralph by Disney.  It is the story of Ralph, the villain whose role is to wreck the building in his game.  Feeling unappreciated and shun by the other characters he lives with, Ralph travels to other games in the arcade in search for a golden medal that would prove that he can be a hero too.  In his quest, he meets Vanellope Von Schweetz, an outcast in her own world (Sugar Rush) also seeking acceptance.  For those who have not seen the movie, I thought a trailer might help you understand what I'm talking about.

I enjoyed this movie immensely, and so wanted to make a nail art out of it.  Here is the design I came up with.

Wreck It Ralph and Vanellope Von Schweetz with assorted sweets from Vanellope's game, Sugar Rush
You might be wondering why my version of Ralph and Vanellope do not exactly look like them.  When I was planning this art, I figured it would be difficult to draw them and do them justice, so I searched for easier images of the characters.  I chanced upon this picture of Wreck It Ralph toys, and based my art on these toy figures instead.

Wreck It Ralph toys from
I also ended up changing my mind last minute on the candy on my middle finger.  I originally painted a peppermint, but seeing that my art lacked color contrast, I erased it and painted a candy corn in its place.  I will explain how to make both just for options :)


  1. Nail Prep
  2. Base Coat
  3. Top Coat (I use Dazzle Dry for all three items)
  4. Nail polish in: white (DD White Lightning), pink (DD Cotton Candy), blue green (DD Casablanca), sheer white pearl (Bobbie Engagement - only if you want a peppermint), green glitter (The Face Shop), orange (DD Tropical Sunset - if you want a candy corn)
  5. Acrylic paint
  6. Thin paint brush
  7. Dotting tool
  8. Toothpick
  9. Nail decals (optional)

After cleaning nails with nail prep and applying base coat, paint the thumb, middle and ring fingers white, index finger pink, and pinky blue green.  Paint the middle finger orange if you want a candy corn.

Top the pinky with glitter polish.
For those opting to make a peppermint, apply sheer pearl white polish on the middle finger.  

Use a thin paint brush to make diagonal brown stripes on the pinky.  This creates a choco-mint bonbon!

Using the same brush and brown paint, draw an outline of chocolate drizzle on the index finger.

Fill that in and add a chocolate drop underneath if you want :)  I later on added some glittery sprinkles for extra fun!

To make a pinwheel for the peppermint, start with a dot right in the middle of the fingernail.
Starting from the dot, paint 5 to 6 curving lines going out.  Of course, some additional glitter wouldn't hurt :)

I painted Vanellope by first painting her face and her hair using acrylic paint.

I then added her eyes, nose, and hair accessories.

Same goes for Ralph.  Face and hair first.

Then the smaller details.  You may use a dotting tool to make perfect circles for their eyes.

This is the finished look (without cleaning out the edges) with the peppermint nail.  

Because I did not like the peppermint, I erased it.  I then painted my middle finger orange then painted the white and yellow parts with acrylic paint.

Apply top coat, clean out the edges, and you're done!!

Another look at my Wreck It Ralph Nails.  I added some nail decals above Ralph and some orange dots above Vanellope to add color.

Helpful Tips

  • When creating stripes, it is easier to hold the painting hand steady and slowly pivot the nail you're painting on.  This method creates straighter lines.
  • Acrylic paint might look dull and not too smooth initially.  Do not worry! A good top coat seals it and creates a smooth finish.
  • The sweets shone here are just my ideas.  Try out your own favorite sweets!
Thank you so much for reading! 

P.S.  As of this writing, Wreck It Ralph is still showing in Manila.  There's still time to catch it! :)


  1. hi ninna,ilove your nail arts but why u don't have connect gadget so I could follow your updates easier :)

    1. Hi Natalie!

      Thank you!! I'm not much of a techie, so the blog is really a work in progress :p Will read up on that and try to put some! Thank you for your suggestion :)

      By the way, love your nail art too ;)


  2. I love it! I've find your blog looking for a Wreck-it Ralph manicure <3 I'm gonna do thiss :D
